Join EXIT Realty New Horizons as they dive into everyday real estate topics as "The Cola Guys - EXIT Realty New Horizons" Join George Schodowski and David Kafitz as they talk with their friends and contacts who are experts in their fields around real estate to help share about what it is to sell, buy and own a home. And... from time to time, they have their friends drop in or go on outings to highlight what a great place South Carolina is to live!

Exit Strategies Radio Show is our way of giving back to the community. Our mission is to empower our community, through financial literacy and real estate education. Our host, Corwyn J. Melette, is the founder of Corwyn J. Melette and Associates the parent company of EXIT Realty Lowcountry Group. He is a trailblazer and leader in the real estate community at large. Having served in a number of leadership positions in various real estate associations and trade groups. Legacy building is what we do!
In this podcast, Corwyn shares with you tremendous opportunities and helpful nuggets on how to successfully achieve your homeownership goals and leave a legacy to your children’s children.
NOW is the time to seize the dream of homeownership! Realtors, agents, lenders, first-time homebuyers and many of the people you know, Corwyn and those top experts in real estate will be on-hand to share with you great opportunities and insights to help you jumpstart your homeownership journey together thus creating wealth and passing on the legacy!

Check out these links to the latest episodes of The Cola Guys!
Show Recordings - EXIT Strategies Radio Show
Check out these links to the latest episodes of EXIT Strategies Radio Show